Alternative Assets

While equity and debt markets are a great asset class to generate risk-adjusted returns, we believe that it is absurd to keep all investments in one basket. Optimal diversification across asset classes results in decreased correlation and greater stability in returns. To execute such a thought process, we provide clients with access to uncorrelated alternative investment options such as Start-up Investing, Life Settlement Funds and Private Credit.

India has the 3rd largest ecosystem of startups in the world. Government at all levels is actively involved in making it bigger. While there is no dearth of ideas, capital is scarce. To participate in India’s growth story, we bring revolutionary startups to the investors. Such a mutually beneficial network helps startups scale up and enables investors to gain access to like-minded investors while making great returns.

Where investment in off-beat ideas such as Life Settlement Fund ensures participation in global Life Insurance markets, the Private Credit market opens doors to high-interest paying debt of the top corporates of India. Holistically, these investment avenues empower a portfolio to generate low-volatility and high-risk-adjusted returns.