While equity and debt markets are a great asset class to generate risk-adjusted returns, we believe that it is absurd to keep all investments in one basket. Optimal diversification across asset classes result in decreased correlation and greater stability in returns.
In order to execute such a thought process, we, provide clients with access to uncorrelated alternative investment options such as Peer-to-Peer Lending and Life Settlement Funds.
Investment in Peer-to-Peer Lending enables investors to invest in the businesses of the 21st century such as Urbanclap, UpGrad and SlicePay. At the same time, it ensures the participation of investors in the growth journey of India.
Where Peer-to-Peer Lending enables investors to invest in the Indian growth stories, investments in off-beat ideas such as Life Settlement Fund ensures participation in global Life Insurance markets. Holistically, these investment avenues empower a portfolio to generate low-volatility and high risk-adjusted returns.